Mrs to Miss

Too many shots to the kidney and yet I was still out of phase with oblivion. My predicament stood right in front of me and  rather made too many duplicates of itself. 

I was very tipsy and yet my problems felt more tangible than the fat bill of unreasonably expensive drinks that lay on the table. The images of Kwame’s disappointed face and his back turned towards my shrewd disenrobed self kept flashing in my mind and making the hopelessness in the situation even  harder for me to bear..

“I have to stop drinking”, I clearly thought to myself. It wasn’t helping me forget the slightest memories..It just made them sharper and more concrete in my thick, ruthless head. 

Kwame left me home alone  after six fine years of marriage. I can’t even imagine what evil could be happening with him wherever he  is because I  know what a good man he ‘s always been.  

What I don’t know is how many last chances he’s  willingly to give to a disloyal face like mine. 

It’s  true what they say. You never value what you have till you lose it. 

He never complained about my most stealthy moves even when I felt suspicious about my own actions. 

I’ve felt so many times that I didn’t deserve a man like Kwame. A man who knows your every flaw and yet somehow manages to remind himself of his own faults and give forgiveness another chance.

That’s what made me want to stick with him for a lifetime; knowing that our relationship could hit rock bottom and still emerge buoyant and fail-safe.  

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